Redefining Health

what if curiosity and wonder were the values by which we lived and measured our days?

Enthusiastic, experienced psychotherapist in her office preparing for an online therapy session

Over time, our sense of who we are and what our lives are about tends to change. Sometimes the shifts are subtle and happen gradually. Just as often, things can change overnight.

Meditation and mindfulness fall within a spectrum of contemplative practices that seem to have been expertly crafted to support our capacity for navigating life’s unfolding with wisdom, grace, humility, and ease.

This is both the stuff of sacred texts and the art of adulthood.

As a mindfulness coach and Registered Psychotherapist (CRPO), Kara works with individuals seeking to maturely integrate authentic experiences of personhood within the broad and granular brushstrokes of their lives.

Highly regarded for her capacity to hold space for both challenging content and rich celebration your privacy will always be of highest regard.

let’s chat - i’d love to get together for 10 minutes and hear what’s going on in your world

let’s connect